Lurgan Cricket Club Officials
- President: Mark Prentice
- Co-Chairmen: Denis Johnston, Geoff Maxwell
- Hon Secretary: Lee Derby
- Hon Treasurer: Gary McCullough
- Safeguarding Officer*: Paul Stafford
Other Committee Members
Captains plus
Ross McCollum
Stephen Johnston
Jack Hutchinson
Derek Wilson
Sandra Grieve
Howard Ingram
Scott Wilson
Selection Committee:
Derek Wilson
Gary McCullough
plus team captains
*Safeguarding Young Persons Officer:
The role of our Safeguarding Young Persons Officer is
to manage the Access NI requirements for the cricket
section and to forward any complaints made regarding
the management of young persons (U18’s) to the
LRFCC Management Committee. Paul Stafford is the
Safeguarding Officer for the cricket section and his
contact number is 07971 912790.